Alton News October 2022

You may remember that we published a bulletin newsletter in spring of 2022, explaining that the Greater London Authority (GLA) had granted approval for the Alton estate regeneration plans.

Since then, there have been some changes. Wandsworth Council is now under new leadership. Naturally, this brings with it, revised priorities, and different ideas.

At a meeting on 29 September 2022, the Housing Committee agreed to end the current process to find a joint venture partner (to help us deliver the existing plans) for the Alton Estate regeneration. This decision was taken to enable the council to review options for the estate.

Councillor Aydin Dikerdem, Cabinet Member for Housing, said:

“The council will retain its commitment to invest in and improve the estate, but we will review the proposed outcomes for this investment and explore what options there are to achieve these.

We will be calling on the expertise of both external experts and council staff to identify options. We have no predetermined views about the way forward and nothing, at this stage, is ruled in or ruled out. We only want to deliver what is best for the future of the estate and its residents.”

The Council knows this will likely raise several questions. We've tried to cover a few below, to give you a better understanding of the situation and what it means for you and your household.


To deliver on the Council’s new Administration’s priorities, a proposal to pause the previous plan was put before Council’s Housing Committee on 29 September. The Housing Committee’s recommendations were then approved by the Council’s Executive Committee. As result of this decision, new proposals that align more with the new Administration’s priorities will be reported to the next Housing Committee.


The Council remains committed to investing in and improving the estate. Whilst the current ‘masterplan’ may not go ahead exactly as it is, the Council will review the objectives for the area and other options for improvements to the Alton estate.


The decision has been taken to end the procurement process for a joint-venture partner. A review of the objectives for the area will be carried out which will help to inform decisions about what will now happen on the estate. Until a decision is made, no demolition will take place.

This, in turn, means that the Residents' Offer and Alton Local Lettings Plan have been withdrawn for those residents living in a property previously in line for demolition.

Those residents likely to be affected by this decision have been contacted.


We are essentially ‘returning to the drawing board’ and so there is a great deal of work that needs to take place before we have a a firm idea of what is planned for the estate.

The first step of this process has already begun and will involve us having conversations with councillors, stakeholders and key representatives of the community.

In due course, we will share with the public a range of options for the estate in a formal consultation.



There is still a strong commitment to invest in and improve the estate and the Council is beginning the process of reviewing viable options for community facilities in the area.

Options are being explored to bring forward ‘Block A’ as an early phase. This would replace the former Co-op block, but also the former western housing office and Roehampton Youth Club on Danebury Avenue. This block aims to deliver a whole host of improvements to local community facilities, along with new council homes.

The council is also exploring options around temporarily re-purposing empty spaces in the area for community projects and activities in advance of any development. This is what is called ‘meanwhile use’.


The planning permission for the existing proposals for the Alton Regeneration are still valid. If different designs and proposals for the estate are brought forward, a new planning application would need to be submitted.


The costs of looking at new options will be paid for from the existing budgets held for the Alton regeneration.


Absolutely! We have a dedicated Community Engagement and Cultural Coordinator, who already has a programme of enriching activities in the pipeline, for the next few months.

We see these events as an opportunity to further demonstrate our dedication to estate residents and visitors and our commitment to improving the area within which you live, work, play, stay or pass through. Members of the Regeneration team are always available at these events to discuss any questions or queries you might have and listen to your thoughts and ideas.


This is always welcomed.

Email [email protected]

Telephone 020 8871 6207.

If you would like to discuss anything in person with a member of the team, please contact us and an appointment can be arranged.